Sunday, December 17, 2023

I can do it

I will Praise and will get out of the matrix.. if so, everyone can get out.. are they worth for? or deserve for it?


A ruler is for a rule, if you have a ruler you can rule.


They call B for best or besties.. As time flies, B turn-on to hostility anyways..

Saturday, December 16, 2023


He can do this more better or that, or he is better than him/her.. Comparing or comparison is not higher stuff anyway. all is need, is gratitude & compassion.


Everyone is "Neutral" it is people behaviour or mentality attitude which makes them either good or bad, so jealousy has it's role to play.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Winning & Losing

Sometimes you win and somethimes you lose, you cannot win all the time or lose all the time.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Money, Power, & fame

1.Money is a tool for surviving. You can buy food/ration, pay bills, vehicles, clothes, travel, which is important in this plane. 2.Power is a demanding tool at your own will, for example : I want to rule a country or business etc. 3.Fame means recognition, a well known being. which makes one higher. That is higher in physical. There is also higher in other dimension which doesn't require any Money, Power & fame.


Do not expect from people.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023


If one has compassionate attitude & a proper behaviour towards others, so they will respect you. Otherwise they won't! unless there is jealousy. Resentment towards higher being is not for pleasure or enjoyment anyway. Everything has a price to pay !!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Friday, March 17, 2023

Kinds of beings

There are only two kinds of being in this plane. One who likes (compassion one) & other who dislikes (jealousy one). Not all who likes or dislikes. Compassion are higher one and jealousy are lower one.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The show

It's only a show-off in the matrix. It is has nothing to do with the reality as reality show has...

resT Pect

Restpect which means rest in P or rest in peace. if respect a being you get respect in return. With respect one can achieve a lot of things in life it is higher than any praise, even on can achieve heaven. so do not underestimate a being !!!

Best or Best-ial ?

Best or Best-ial? They are completely opposite from others just like heaven & hell. Best has no ego or attitude and bestial always has comparison, ego & attitude (i know this or he knows that or he/she is the best etc). which one you prefer? The choice is always yours !!!