We do not get human life ,
Just for the asking.
Birth in a human body ,
Is the reward for good deeds ,
In former births.
Life waxes and wanes imperceptibly ,
It doesn't stay long.
The leaf that has fallen ,
Doesn't return to the branch.
Behold the ocean of transmigration.
With its swift , irresistible tide.
O Lal Giridhara , O PiloT of my soul ,
Swiftly conduct my barque to the further shore.
Mira is the slave of Lal Giridhara.
She says : " Life last for few days only.
Life in the world is short ,
Why shoulder an unnecessary load of worldly relationship?
Thy parent gave thee birth in the world ,
But the lord ordained thy fate.
Life passes in getting and spending ,
No merit is earned by virtuous deeds.
I will sing and Praises Hari ,
In the company of holy man ,
Nothing else concern me."
Mira's lord is the courtly Giridhara,
she says : " Only by thy Power
Have i crossed to the further shore. "
~ Mirabai ~